Rearrange the following roles to make good dialogs of giving advice. Work together with your friends.

Layla: Thanks for meeting with me during your lunch hour. I appreciate it.

Conversation 1

Monica: No problem. I’m happy to help.. What’s going on?

Layla: Oh you know, the usual. Should I take this new job? Or do I stick with my current one?

Monica: Well, I think it’s time for a change, don’t you? They pay you late and you are unhappy.

Layla: Do you really think so?

Monica: I know so. And I’ve been listening to you complain for over a year now. Trust me. Take the job. What do you have to lose?

Conversation 2

Tami : Aufa.., Do you have any idea about which one shold I buy for him ?

Aufa : Mmmm.., I suggest you to buy something like a football team’s fan merchandise .. Because usually a boy loved football, right ?

Tami : That’s a good idea.. Let’s search for it..!


          Which one is better..? Red or Blue ?

Aufa : I think red should be better.., but it’s up to you.

Tami : I’ll take the red one, then. Thank you .

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